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England Players Start with J

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. J Birkenshaw Jack Birkenshaw 1973
2. JH Board John Henry Board 1899
3. JT Brown John Thomas Brown 1894
4. JF Crapp John Frederick Crapp 1948
5. JN Crawford John Neville Crawford 1906
6. FJ Durston Frederick John Durston 1921
7. JA Flavell John Alfred Flavell 1961
8. JT Hearne John Thomas Hearne 1892
9. J Iddon John Iddon 1935
10. JT Ikin John Thomas Ikin 1946
11. MJ Leach Matthew Jack Leach 2018
12. JCW MacBryan John Crawford William MacBryan 1924
13. JW Martin John William Martin 1947
14. JR Mason John Richard Mason 1897
15. J O'Connor Jack O'Connor 1929
16. CJ Richards Clifton James Richards 1981
17. JDB Robertson John David Benbow Robertson 1947
18. RC Russell Robert Charles Russell 1987
19. CAG Russell Charles Albert George Russell 1920
20. J Sharp John Sharp 1909
21. JC White John Cornish White 1921
22. JA Young John Albert Young 1947
23. JG Bethell Jacob Graham Bethell 2024
24. JW Dernbach Jade Winston Dernbach 2011
25. Jafer Chohan Jafer Ali Chohan
26. JT Ball Jacob Timothy Ball 2016
27. JM Anderson James Michael Anderson 2002
28. JR Bracey James Robert Bracey 2021
29. J Cranston James Cranston 1890
30. JS Foster James Savin Foster 2001
31. JAR Harris James Alexander Russell Harris
32. JC Hildreth James Charles Hildreth
33. RJ Kirtley Robert James Kirtley 2001
34. J Langridge James Langridge 1933
35. James Lillywhite jnr James Lillywhite 1877
36. J Southerton James Southerton 1877
37. WA Taylor William Arthur Taylor 2011
38. JC Tredwell James Cullum Tredwell 2010
39. JM Vince James Michael Vince 2015
40. JJ Whitaker John James Whitaker 1986
41. JWM Dalrymple James William Murray Dalrymple 2006
42. J Overton Jamie Overton 2022
43. JA Porter James Alexander Porter
44. JL Smith Jamie Luke Smith 2023
45. JER Gallian Jason Edward Riche Gallian 1995
46. JJ Roy Jason Jonathan Roy 2014
47. IJ Jones Ivor Jeffrey Jones 1964
48. JN Snape Jeremy Nicholas Snape 2001
49. JKH Naik Jigar Kumar Hakumatrai Naik
50. JC Laker James Charles Laker 1948
51. JD Love James Derek Love 1981
52. JE McConnon James Edward McConnon 1954
53. JH Parks James Horace Parks 1937
54. JM Parks James Michael Parks 1954
55. JM Sims James Morton Sims 1935
56. CIJ Smith Cedric Ivan James Smith 1935
57. JO Troughton Jamie Oliver Troughton 2003
58. JHK Adams James Henry Kenneth Adams
59. JG Binks James Graham Binks 1964
60. J Ormond James Ormond 2001
61. JL Denly Joseph Liam Denly 2009
62. JS Gatting Joe Stephen Gatting
63. J Hardstaff Joseph Hardstaff 1907
64. J Hardstaff Joseph Hardstaff 1935
65. J Humphries Joseph Humphries 1908
66. J Hunter Joe Hunter 1884
67. JE Root Joseph Edward Root 2012
68. JE Benjamin Joseph Emmanuel Benjamin 1994
69. J Arnold John Arnold 1931
70. JH Childs John Henry Childs 1988
71. JP Crawley John Paul Crawley 1994
72. JG Dewes John Gordon Dewes 1948
73. JH Edrich John Hugh Edrich 1963
74. JE Emburey John Ernest Emburey 1978
75. AJ Evans Alfred John Evans 1921
76. JR Gunn John Richmond Gunn 1901
77. JH Hampshire John Harry Hampshire 1969
78. JC Hartley John Cabourn Hartley 1906
79. JA Jameson John Alexander Jameson 1971
80. JH King John Herbert King 1909
81. JK Lever John Kenneth Lever 1976
82. JE Morris John Edward Morris 1990
83. JB Mortimore John Brian Mortimore 1959
84. JT Murray John Thomas Murray 1961
85. JSE Price John Sidney Ernest Price 1964
86. J Selby John Selby 1877
87. JW Sharpe John William Sharpe 1890
88. J Shuter John Shuter 1888
89. JA Simpson John Andrew Simpson 2021
90. JA Snow John Augustine Snow 1965
91. JP Stephenson John Patrick Stephenson 1989
92. JA Turner John Andrew Turner 2024
93. JJ Warr John James Warr 1951
94. JC Clay John Charles Clay 1935
95. J Briggs John Briggs 1884
96. JWHT Douglas John William Henry Tyler Douglas 1911
97. JT Tyldesley John Thomas Tyldesley 1899
98. JH Wardle John Henry Wardle 1948
99. J Lewis Jonathan Lewis 2005
100. JP Agnew Jonathan Philip Agnew 1984
101. IJL Trott Ian Jonathan Leonard Trott 2007
102. JM Bairstow Jonathan Marc Bairstow 2011
103. JM Cox Jordan Matthew Cox 2024
104. JC Buttler Joseph Charles Buttler 2011
105. J Vine Joseph Vine 1912
106. JO Hull Joshua Owen Hull 2024
107. JE Poysden Joshua Edward Poysden
108. JC Tongue Joshua Charles Tongue 2023
109. JJ Cobb Joshua James Cobb
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