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England Players Start with W

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. WG Grace William Gilbert Grace 1880
2. WR Hammond Walter Reginald Hammond 1927
3. HTW Hardinge Harold Thomas William Hardinge 1921
4. W Brearley Walter Brearley
5. WW Keeton William Walter Keeton 1934
6. WS Lees Walter Scott Lees 1906
7. W Mead Walter Mead 1899
8. WW Read Walter William Read 1882
9. RWV Robins Robert Walter Vivian Robins 1929
10. WK Hegg Warren Kevin Hegg 1998
11. W Larkins Wayne Larkins 1979
12. WA White Wayne Andrew White
13. WJ Durston Wesley John Durston
14. W Barber Wilfred Barber 1935
15. W Flowers Wilfred Flowers 1884
16. WN Slack Wilfred Norris Slack 1986
17. W Rhodes Wilfred Rhodes 1899
18. WAT Beer William Andrew Thomas Beer
19. WG Jacks William George Jacks 2022
20. WI Jefferson William Ingleby Jefferson
21. W Attewell William Attewell 1884
22. W Chatterton William Chatterton 1892
23. WH Scotton William Henry Scotton 1881
24. WG Quaife William George Quaife 1899
25. W Watson Willie Watson 1951
26. WR Cuttell Willis Robert Cuttell 1899
27. W Place Winston Place 1948
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