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England Players Start with S

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. HI Young Harding Isaac Young 1899
2. SI Mahmood Sajid Iqbal Mahmood 2004
3. SW Billings Samuel William Billings 2015
4. C Cook Cecil Cook 1947
5. SM Curran Samuel Matthew Curran 2018
6. SR Hain Samuel Robert Hain 2023
7. SD Robson Sam David Robson 2014
8. SJ Staples Samuel James Staples 1928
9. SR Patel Samit Rohit Patel 2008
10. SMJ Woods Samuel Moses James Woods 1888
11. SS Schultz Sandford Spence Schultz 1879
12. Mahmood Saqib Mahmood 2019
13. S Haigh Schofield Haigh 1899
14. SG Borthwick Scott George Borthwick 2011
15. SL Elstone Scott Liam Elstone
16. SP Terry Sean Paul Terry 2016
17. SP Kinneir Septimus Paul Kinneir 1911
18. SD Udal Shaun David Udal 1994
19. Shoaib Bashir Shoaib Bashir 2024
20. SJE Brown Simon John Emmerson Brown 1996
21. SP Jones Simon Philip Jones 2002
22. SC Kerrigan Simon Christopher Kerrigan 2013
23. AV Bedser Alec Victor Bedser 1946
24. CA Smith Charles Aubrey Smith 1889
25. GOB Allen George Oswald Browning Allen 1930
26. HDG Leveson Henry Dudley Gresham Leveson Gower 1910
27. IT Botham Ian Terence Botham 1976
28. JB Hobbs John Berry Hobbs 1907
29. L Hutton Leonard Hutton 1937
30. PF Warner Pelham Francis Warner 1899
31. TS Worthington Thomas Stanley Worthington 1930
32. S Christopherson Stanley Christopherson 1884
33. Hon.FS Jackson Frank Stanley Jackson 1893
34. SD Parry Stephen David Parry 2014
35. SM Davies Steven Michael Davies 2009
36. SJ Harmison Stephen James Harmison 2002
37. SP James Stephen Peter James 1998
38. SP Kirby Steven Paul Kirby
39. SJ Rhodes Steven John Rhodes 1989
40. SD Snell Stephen David Snell
41. SL Watkin Steven Llewellyn Watkin 1991
42. ST Finn Steven Thomas Finn 2010
43. SA Patterson Steven Andrew Patterson
44. SCJ Broad Stuart Christopher John Broad 2006
45. SC Meaker Stuart Christopher Meaker 2011
46. SF Barnes Sydney Francis Barnes 1901
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