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England Players Start with R

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. R Subba Row Raman Subba Row 1958
2. KS Ranjitsinhji Kumar Shri Ranjitsinhji 1896
3. RS Bopara Ravinder Singh Bopara 2007
4. R Illingworth Raymond Illingworth 1958
5. RJW Topley Reece James William Topley 2015
6. RTD Perks Reginald Thomas David Perks 1939
7. RT Simpson Reginald Thomas Simpson 1948
8. RA Sinfield Reginald Albert Sinfield 1938
9. R Wood Reginald Wood 1887
10. RH Spooner Reginald Herbert Spooner 1905
11. Rehan Ahmed Rehan Ahmed 2022
12. RJ Blakey Richard John Blakey 1992
13. RKJ Dawson Richard Kevin James Dawson 2001
14. RM Ellison Richard Mark Ellison 1984
15. RJ Gleeson Richard James Gleeson 2022
16. RA Hutton Richard Anthony Hutton 1971
17. RK Illingworth Richard Keith Illingworth 1991
18. RL Johnson Richard Leonard Johnson 2003
19. R Clarke Rikki Clarke 2003
20. RJ Bailey Robert John Bailey 1985
21. RML Taylor Robert Meadows Lombe Taylor 2013
22. RH Joseph Robert Hartman Joseph
23. RDB Croft Robert Damien Bale Croft 1996
24. RWT Key Robert William Trevor Key 2002
25. RNS Hobbs Robin Nicholas Stuart Hobbs 1967
26. RD Jackman Robin David Jackman 1974
27. RSC Martin-Jenkins Robin Simon Christopher Martin-Jenkins
28. RA Smith Robin Arnold Smith 1988
29. ER Wilson Evelyn Rockley Wilson 1921
30. RM Prideaux Roger Malcolm Prideaux 1968
31. RW Tolchard Roger William Tolchard 1977
32. RO Butcher Roland Orlando Butcher 1980
33. RO Jenkins Roland Oliver Jenkins 1948
34. RC Irani Ronald Charles Irani 1996
35. RT Stanyforth Ronald Thomas Stanyforth 1927
36. RJ Burns Rory Joseph Burns 2018
37. RJ Hamilton-Brown Rory James Hamilton-Brown
38. R Kilner Roy Kilner 1924
39. R Swetman Roy Swetman 1959
40. R Tattersall Roy Tattersall 1951
41. RJ Sidebottom Ryan Jay Sidebottom 2001
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