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England Players Start with P

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. PR Brown Patrick Rhys Brown 2019
2. PI Pocock Patrick Ian Pocock 1968
3. EH Hendren Elias Henry Hendren 1920
4. PJW Allott Paul John Walter Allott 1981
5. PD Collingwood Paul David Collingwood 2001
6. PR Downton Paul Rupert Downton 1977
7. PJ Franks Paul John Franks 2000
8. PA Gibb Paul Antony Gibb 1938
9. AP Grayson Adrian Paul Grayson 2000
10. PW Jarvis Paul William Jarvis 1988
11. PA Nixon Paul Andrew Nixon 2007
12. PWG Parker Paul William Giles Parker 1981
13. JP Taylor Jonathan Paul Taylor 1993
14. VP Terry Vivian Paul Terry 1984
15. APF Chapman Arthur Percy Frank Chapman 1924
16. PGH Fender Percy George Herbert Fender 1921
17. P Holmes Percy Holmes 1921
18. P Lever Peter Lever 1970
19. PJ Loader Peter James Loader 1954
20. PJ Martin Peter James Martin 1995
21. PBH May Peter Barker Howard May 1951
22. PH Parfitt Peter Howard Parfitt 1961
23. PE Richardson Peter Edward Richardson 1956
24. TPB Smith Thomas Peter Bromley Smith 1946
25. PM Such Peter Mark Such 1993
26. PD Trego Peter David Trego
27. PM Walker Peter Michael Walker 1960
28. P Willey Peter Willey 1976
29. PAJ DeFreitas Phillip Anthony Jason DeFreitas 1986
30. PH Edmonds Philippe-Henri Edmonds 1975
31. CP Mead Charles Philip Mead 1911
32. P Mustard Philip Mustard 2007
33. PJ Newport Philip John Newport 1988
34. PD Salt Philip Dean Salt 2022
35. PJ Sharpe Philip John Sharpe 1963
36. PCR Tufnell Philip Clive Roderick Tufnell 1990
37. H Philipson Hylton Philipson 1892
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