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England Players Start with N

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. N Hussain Nasser Hussain 1989
2. NL Buck Nathan Liam Buck
3. NV Radford Neal Victor Radford 1986
4. NH Fairbrother Neil Harvey Fairbrother 1987
5. NA Foster Neil Alan Foster 1983
6. NA Mallender Neil Alan Mallender 1992
7. NMK Smith Neil Michael Knight Smith 1996
8. NF Williams Neil FetzGerald Williams 1990
9. NA Knox Neville Alexander Knox 1907
10. NC Tufnell Neville Charsley Tufnell 1910
11. NRD Compton Nicholas Richard Denis Compton 2012
12. NGB Cook Nicholas Grant Billson Cook 1983
13. NV Knight Nicholas Verity Knight 1995
14. NE Haig Nigel Esmé Haig 1921
15. ND Howard Nigel David Howard 1951
16. EW Clark Edward Winchester Clark 1929
17. NG Cowans Norman George Cowans 1982
18. N Gifford Norman Gifford 1964
19. NWD Yardley Norman Walter Dransfield Yardley 1938
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