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England Players Start with L

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. LB Fishlock Laurence Barnard Fishlock 1936
2. L Hone Leland Hone 1879
3. LC Braund Leonard Charles Braund 1901
4. LJ Coldwell Leonard John Coldwell 1962
5. JL Hopwood John Leonard Hopwood 1934
6. LL Wilkinson Leonard Litton Wilkinson 1938
7. LJ Moon Leonard James Moon 1906
8. LEG Ames Leslie Ethelbert George Ames 1929
9. HL Jackson Herbert Leslie Jackson 1949
10. LB Taylor Leslie Brian Taylor 1985
11. LH Gay Leslie Hewitt Gay 1894
12. LF Townsend Leslie Fletcher Townsend 1930
13. L Gregory Lewis Gregory 2019
14. LA Dawson Liam Andrew Dawson 2016
15. LS Livingstone Liam Stephen Livingstone 2017
16. LE Plunkett Liam Edward Plunkett 2005
17. LCH Palairet Lionel Charles Hamilton Palairet 1902
18. Lord Harris George Robert Canning Harris (Lord Harris) 1879
19. Lord Hawke Martin Bladen Hawke 1896
20. Hon. LH Tennyson Lionel Hallam Tennyson 1913
21. D Denton David Denton 1905
22. L Wood Luke Wood 2022
23. LJ Wright Luke James Wright 2007-08
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