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England Players Start with G

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. GJ Batty Gareth Jon Batty 2002
2. GM Hussain Gemaal Maqsood Hussain
3. GG Arnold Geoffrey Graham Arnold 1967
4. G Boycott Geoffrey Boycott 1964
5. G Cook Geoffrey Cook 1981
6. GA Cope Geoffrey Alan Cope 1977
7. GW Humpage Geoffrey William Humpage 1981
8. G Miller Geoffrey Miller 1976
9. G Millman Geoffrey Millman 1961
10. G Pullar Geoffrey Pullar 1959
11. GB Legge Geoffrey Bevington Legge 1927
12. G Bean George Bean 1892
13. G Brown George Brown 1921
14. G Duckworth George Duckworth 1924
15. GM Emmett George Malcolm Emmett 1948
16. GHS Garton George Henry Simmons Garton 2022
17. G Geary George Geary 1924
18. G Gunn George Gunn 1907
19. GG Hearne George Gibbons Hearne 1892
20. GH Hirst George Herbert Hirst 1897
21. GA Lohmann George Alfred Lohmann 1886
22. GG Macaulay George Gibson Macaulay 1923
23. FG Mann Francis George Mann 1948
24. GAE Paine George Alfred Edward Paine 1935
25. GH Pope George Henry Pope 1947
26. GLS Scrimshaw George Louis Sheridan Scrimshaw 2023
27. GHT Simpson-Hayward George Hayward Thomas Simpson-Hayward 1910
28. GB Street George Benjamin Street 1923
29. GB Studd George Brown Studd 1882
30. GJ Thompson George Joseph Thompson 1909
31. G Ulyett George Ulyett 1877
32. GF Vernon George Frederick Vernon 1882
33. GEC Wood George Edward Charles Wood 1924
34. GO Jones Geraint Owen Jones 2004
35. GA Smithson Gerald Arthur Smithson 1948
36. GL Jessop Gilbert Laird Jessop 1899
37. WGA Parkhouse William Gilbert Anthony Parkhouse 1950
38. GC Small Gladstone Cleophas Small 1986
39. G Chapple Glen Chapple 2006
40. TG Evans Thomas Godfrey Evans 1946
41. G Fowler Graeme Fowler 1982
42. GA Hick Graeme Ashley Hick 1991
43. GP Swann Graeme Peter Swann 2000
44. GD Barlow Graham Derek Barlow 1976
45. GR Dilley Graham Roy Dilley 1979
46. GA Gooch Graham Alan Gooch 1975
47. GD Lloyd Graham David Lloyd 1996
48. GR Napier Graham Richard Napier
49. G Onions Graham Onions 2009
50. GRJ Roope Graham Richard James Roope 1973
51. GB Stevenson Graham Barry Stevenson 1980
52. GP Thorpe Graham Paul Thorpe 1993
53. GP Smith Greg Phillip Smith
54. JG Thomas John Gregory Thomas 1986
55. G MacGregor Gregor MacGregor 1890
56. GTS Stevens Greville Thomas Scott Stevens 1922
57. AAP Atkinson Angus Alexander Patrick Atkinson 2023
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