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England Players Start with F

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. FGJ Ford Francis Gilbertson Justice Ford 1894
2. FA MacKinnon Francis Alexander MacKinnon 1879
3. NF Druce Norman Frank Druce 1897
4. FR Foster Frank Rowbotham Foster 1911
5. FC Hayes Frank Charles Hayes 1973
6. FA Lowson Frank Anderson Lowson 1951
7. FT Mann Francis Thomas Mann 1922
8. FW Milligan Frank William Milligan 1899
9. F Mitchell Frank Mitchell 1899
10. F Penn Frank Penn 1880
11. TF Smailes Thomas Francis Smailes 1946
12. FH Sugg Frank Howe Sugg 1888
13. FH Tyson Frank Holmes Tyson 1954
14. FE Woolley Frank Edward Woolley 1909
15. AH Bakewell Alfred Harry Bakewell 1931
16. F Barratt Fred Barratt 1929
17. GF Grace George Frederick Grace 1880
18. F Martin Frederick Martin 1890
19. F Morley Frederick Morley 1880
20. WFF Price Wilfred Frederick Frank Price 1938
21. F Ridgway Frederick Ridgway 1951
22. CF Root Charles Frederick Root 1926
23. FE Rumsey Frederick Edward Rumsey 1964
24. FW Tate Frederick William Tate 1902
25. FJ Titmus Frederick John Titmus 1955
26. FS Trueman Frederick Sewards Trueman 1952
27. FR Brown Frederick Richard Brown 1931
28. Hon. FSG Calthorpe The Hon Frederick Somerset Gough Calthorpe
29. FL Fane Frederick Luther Fane 1906
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