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England Players Start with E

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. ESH Giddins Edward Simon Hunter Giddins 1999
2. EC Joyce Edmund Christopher Joyce 2006
3. ET Smith Edward Thomas Smith 2003
4. EW Dawson Edward William Dawson 1928
5. EE Hemmings Edward Ernest Hemmings 1982
6. E Leadbeater Edric Leadbeater 1951
7. E Paynter Edward Paynter 1931
8. E Wilson Edward Wilson
9. EFS Tylecote Edward Ferdinando Sutton Tylecote 1882
10. EM Grace Edward Mills Grace 1880
11. JEP McMaster Joseph Emile Patrick McMaster 1889
12. EJG Morgan Eoin Joseph Gerard Morgan 2006
13. WE Hollies William Eric Hollies 1935
14. WE Russell William Eric Russell 1961
15. GE Tyldesley George Ernest Tyldesley 1921
16. EG Hayes Ernest George Hayes 1906
17. ERT Holmes Errol Reginald Thorold Holmes 1935
18. WE Astill William Ewart Astill 1927
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