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England Players Start with C

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. CB Fry Charles Burgess Fry 1896
2. CB Keegan Chad Blake Keegan
3. CFH Leslie Charles Frederick Henry Leslie 1882
4. CS Marriott Charles Stowell Marriott 1933
5. CH Palmer Charles Henry Palmer 1954
6. CT Studd Charles Thomas Studd 1882
7. CW Wright Charles William Wright 1896
8. CA Absolom Charles Alfred Absolom 1879
9. CJ Barnett Charles John Barnett 1933
10. C Hallows Charles Hallows 1921
11. CP McGahey Charles Percy McGahey 1902
12. CWL Parker Charles Warrington Leonard Parker 1921
13. CL Townsend Charles Lucas Townsend 1899
14. CJ Adams Christopher John Adams 1998
15. JC Balderstone John Christopher Balderstone 1976
16. BC Broad Brian Christopher Broad 1984
17. CS Cowdrey Christopher Stuart Cowdrey 1984
18. CR Jones Christopher Robert Jones
19. CJ Jordan Christopher James Jordan 2013
20. CC Lewis Clairmonte Christopher Lewis 1990
21. CD Nash Christopher David Nash
22. CM Old Christopher Middleton Old 1972
23. CMW Read Christopher Mark Wells Read 1999
24. CP Schofield Christopher Paul Schofield 2000
25. CEW Silverwood Christopher Eric Wilfred Silverwood 1996
26. CL Smith Christopher Lyall Smith 1983
27. CJ Tavare Christopher James Tavare 1980
28. CT Tremlett Christopher Timothy Tremlett 2005
29. CR Woakes Christopher Roger Woakes 2011
30. CP Wood Christopher Philip Wood
31. C Heseltine Christopher Heseltine 1896
32. CH Parkin Cecil Harry Parkin 1920
33. CP Buckenham Claude Percival Buckenham 1910
34. CEM Wilson Clement Eustace Macro Wilson 1899
35. C Gladwin Clifford Gladwin 1947
36. CT Radley Clive Thornton Radley 1978
37. C Blythe Colin Blythe 1901
38. MC Cowdrey Michael Colin Cowdrey 1954
39. C Milburn Colin Milburn 1966
40. CM Wells Colin Mark Wells 1985
41. CAJ Meschede Craig Anthony Joseph Meschede
42. C Overton Craig Overton 2017
43. C White Craig White 1994
44. CJ Poole Cyril John Poole 1951
45. CF Walters Cyril Frederick Walters 1933
46. C Washbrook Cyril Washbrook 1937
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